
dance the sheets:

Or: dance-in-the-sheets , literary phrase from the 17 th century for copulate . See copulation for synonyms.
See Also: air dance, ball dancing, ballum rancum, bed bugs, bell dancing, between the sheets, booth dance, brutal breasting, bun-boogie, cancan, carry on like a mad Watoo, cha-cha palace, choreophilia, chorophobia, come stain, cooch, coochee-coochee, cookie crumbs, couch dance, cum stain, dance in the sheets, dance the miller's reel, dance the reels o' Bogie, dance the reels of Stumpie, dance the sheets, dancing in the sheets, danse du ventre, do fancy footwork on the daffodils, floor show, floor work, gigolo, hootchy-kootchy, massage the maple, pansy ball, pussy show, shake the beads, shake the sheets, spread some good leather, table dancing, touch dick, tribadance, turn on the sizzlers, twirl, up close and personal, vertical foreplay, wallflower

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